Cooking - Mass Delete

Mass DeleteMass Delete

The Mass Delete tool deletes stock items, customers and package codes. After a period of time your MYOB RetailManager database ends up with thousands of old stock items that have not been active for years making the stock list unnecessarily large.  Just select the Stock Filter then choose to either delete or merge the records.  If a stock item is on order, on layby, a package item or does not have a zero quantity it cannot be deleted.  Only customers that don't have an Account or outstanding Lay-by, Credit Note or Special Order can be deleted.  Package codes can also be deleted however only the package code will be deleted, not their components.

Filters for stock items include stock with a specified category, supplier or custom field, dead stock over a specified period or hidden stock.  Filters for customers include hidden customers, status customers or non-status customers, customers who have not purchased anything over a specified period or customers with a specific custom field.